The Science Behind Protein Breakfasts: The following are some of the common ways that they affect your day.
, by Sandesh Prasannakumar, 7 min reading time
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, by Sandesh Prasannakumar, 7 min reading time
Numerous nutritionists and healthcare professionals, therefore, advocate for the need to take a balanced breakfast which should contain protein. However, there is evidence regarding the effects of protein containing breakfasts according to the scientific literature. In what way do they affect your energy level, focus, blood glucose level, and other factors regarding your daily routine? Research provides fascinating insights.
There Is More to Gaining the Benefits of Protein in the Morning than One Might Think
Various scientific findings prove that one’s body is provided with sufficient protein in breakfast, it will not experience low-energy hunger mid-morning, heavy food cravings in mid-afternoon, the nutrient’s ability to regulate blood sugar and insulin activity and healthy body weight. The data also supports the correlation of protein consumption within the first morning meal with enhanced mental performance, concentration, and work efficiency. It is now necessary to turn to the explanation of these outcomes in terms of the principles of science.
It helps to increase metabolism in the body and energy levels.
Compared to carbohydrates or fat, protein is more effective in terms of how many calories are used up in the digestion process. A cross-sectional study done in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that, low calories intakes in the subsequent meal were observed among men in groups who took foods with high protein levels in the morning. This hormonal change was also associated with increased basal metabolic rate and fat utilization. All these metabolic changes helped to bring about the reduction of body fat over the 12 week period. These effects were observed but in a group that consumed the same amount of calories in the high-carb breakfast.
Another group of researchers found that woman who took high protein foods in the morning felt full and alert for longer than women who say high carb or high fat foods. The energy and satisfaction that is prolonged as a result of sustained energy aids in appetite control and improving the quality of diets being taken for the rest of the day. Since a good protein serves as an effective metabolism trigger, consuming protein in the morning ensure that you are on the right track throughout the day.
Stabilizes Blood Sugar
The fluctuating levels of blood sugar leads to energy loss, longing for certain food, and excessive appetite. Protein takes longer to digest and triggers a lesser amount of insulin production resulting in a smaller glycemic rise in comparison to refined carbohydrates. It also helps to delay stomach emptying, meaning that sugar is absorbed slowly and not in large spikes as it would be in the case of clear soft drinks. Another smaller study showed that women who start their day with a calorie-rich high protein breakfast had better control of their blood sugar levels and felt less hungry before lunch time when compared to those who took high carb breakfast.
Other works in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients also highlighted the same findings. Consumption of eggs containing protein enhanced post breakfast glycemic control and subjective satiety in type 2 diabetic patients. Consuming protein first thing in the morning eliminated the blues and fat accumulation that results from high insulin and blood sugar fluctuations after meals.
Supports Healthy Body Composition
In other words, consuming enough protein in the morning may also assist in maintaining and increasing our calorie burning lean muscle mass while shedding fat including belly fat. A group of scientists found that women who went on a diet for weight loss lost 35% more body fat if they started their day with a protein-rich breakfast rather than carb breakfast. The calories intake in both breakfasts were 300 calories.
Another area that helps men wishing to shed some size a great deal is increasing portion sizes of proteins during breakfast. Another study showed that in the 12 week trial, those who consumed 35 grams of proteins in the morning breakfast had lesser weight and fat content than those who took 13 grams of protein breakfast with constant calories intake. In addition to this, proteins in the morning are essential for maintaining a good body shape and composition.
Boosts Mental Performance
There is also scientific evidence that supports the consumption of protein in the morning for advancement in brain functions. Those who had yogurt in the morning claimed that they were able to concentrate, stay alert and were able to remember contents of the class more than those who took cereal or those who did not take breakfast at all. It remained enhanced for hours, which would have been nice if it were a mental enhancement rather than a pain in the head later on. Eggs are another option, which are rich in proteins and are best taken during breakfast. The young adults were also able to experience improvement on their ability to recall information, the speed at which they reacted, their capacity to learn new things as well as their understanding of words that are used in relation to the consumption of eggs for breakfast.
It is probably due to protein’s action of stabilizing the blood glucose levels that yields positive cognitive responses. Conserving glucose and insulin from spiking or dropping in levels brings about a consistent supply of ‘’fuel’’ for the brain cells. This minimizes mental fatigue due to the constant mental energy needed in performing complex tasks or solving intricate problems. Not taking sugary foods and having breakfast that include proteins can be a huge boost to productivity in the morning and the rest of the day.
As the research demonstrates, protein-based breakfasts provide equally great amounts of health, body composition, and performance benefits as opposed to carb-based breakfasts. From sharpening your mind, to controlling your hunger and even sugar levels during the day, protein is your Wake up call. You might also want to try flipping it around and instead of making cereals and bread the main course in breakfast, try making proteins the main course. You will observe the benefits affecting your body and brain right now and in the long run.
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Looking at the aforementioned advantages of the morning protein intake, what are they in the order of their significance?
Research shows that starting your day with ample protein provides these main benefits: The findings of the study were increased glycemic control and energy, increased caloric expenditures and satiety, retention or even growth of lean tissues, improvements in cognitive functioning, and a decrease in mental exhaustion.
He says, “It is essential to eat protein in the morning and here are some options for a high-protein breakfast.”
Some excellent high-protein breakfast choices include: Greek yogurt bowls, nuts, berries, any style eggs, oatmeal with whey protein milk, avocado toasts, cottage cheese, protein shake/smoothies, quinoa bowl with nut butters, and bean/lentil scrambles.
Optimal protein intake at breakfast?
In most of the published research revealing the health and performance gains, the consumption of breakfast protein ranged between 30 and 40 grams. However, ensure you take at least 20 grams since it will help in achieving the minimum recommended intake to stabilize blood sugars, control hunger hormones, boost metabolism, and enhance cognitive performance.
What if I can’t eat a proper breakfast?
I can understand that in the morning people are often in a hurry and may not have time to spend with their family. It is important to have a few high protein breakfasts on hand that are easy to grab and eat when you have no time to sit down for a proper meal. Some examples are cups filled with Greek yogurt, boiled eggs in muffin forms, protein bars containing 15-20 grams, and nuts or nut butters.